Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sings of Water found on Water by Curiosity Rover

It is now clear that there are signs of water on Mars.  Almost every rover, lander or orbiter sent to MARS in recent times give some indications of the evidence of water on the Red Planet.  This gives rise to whether there was a life on Mars in earlier times.  The Curiosity rover of NASA landed on Gale Crater which is a place which used to hold a lake of water as per the latest findings of the Scientists of NASA and announced on 11th Dec., 2013.  

For more details please read the article about Signs of water found on Mars by Curiosity Rover.

China lands Jade Rabbit Rover on Moon

China has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on Lunar surface.   This is the first soft landing in the past 37 years.

The Jade Rover was landed on the surface of Moon on 14th December, 2013.  The touchdown took place on a flat plain called Sinus Iridum.   For more details,  please read the article on China's Jade Rabbit rover lands on Moon.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Send your own Spacecraft to Moon for just Rs. 20000 ( 199 Pounds)

Did you ever dream about exploring the solar system with your own spacecraft?   Yes it is now finally possible to explore the space using your own spacecraft.

If you are a space enthusiast, you have a unique chance to explore the solar system with your own space craft and that too at a very small cost - Just 199 pounds or Rs.20,000.

A British company is planning to launch thousands of mini spacecrafts on to the Moon.  Each of these spacecrafts can be bought for just 199 pounds and personalized by the sponsor.  A group of scientists, engineers and designers who worked on this concept at some of the world's leading Universities have come together to start this personal interplanetary space age and they have given an opportunity to you to join hands with them to become a space explorer.  So once you join this project, you can personalize your own spacecraft by adding a picture and customizing the message it transmits using just their web browser.  More technical explorers can even customize the software and hardware. The team has developed a website called  

The probes to be launched by Pocket Spacecraft, are of the size of a CD and as thin as a paper.  They will be released in June, 2015 over the Earth and over the Moon in June, 2016.

You can watch online at your spacecraft is being built in the lab and loaded into an Interplanetary CubeSat Mothership.    Once they are launched by a commercial rocket, some of the probes will be released into space to flutter to the ground in order to demonstrate landing on a planet with atmosphere (Earth).  The MotherShip will set off to Moon where, when it arrives many months later, the remaining probes will be released, photographed and then land on the Moon to complete the Mission.  

The owners of the probes can monitor the progress through out their own Pocket Mission Control App to track the progress of their Spacecraft as it is designed,built and travels through the space.  The data as it arrives from individual's spacecraft's instruments is relayed from space by a global ground station network direct to the owner's smartphone.  The users also can hold their phone up to the sky and use the augmented reality feature to point out exactly where their spacecraft is.

"As these spacecrafts are very light weight, they are extremely cheaper"  - says Mr. Michael Johnson who is the founder of Pocket Spacecraft.  The Bristol based company hopes to use similar probes elsewhere in the solar system.  If you are able to drop 1000 of these probes on Mars, you can do a planet-wide seismic survey. 

Read more about their current mission for details and join them on an expedition to the moon!

Are you interested  in exploring the space....    If you are interested to take part in the Pocket Spacecraft Mission to the Moon,  please fill up your details and submit.

You can see some details of the Pocket Spacecraft in the image shown below.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Eesha Khara - an Indian girl invents a device to charge mobile phones within 20 seconds

Eesha Khare, an 18 years old Indian girl student at Lynbrook High School in California made an excellent discovery which provides a solution to all recharging troubles for the portable devices like mobile phones in future. 
The device is known as Super Capacitor would enable mobile devices to recharge the battery in less than 20 seconds.  Eesha Khara was awarded Young Scientist award by Intel Foundation for developing the super capacitor device.

The Super Capacitor device is capable of holding a large amount of current or power in very small space.  The device can retain the charge for a longer time and the same can be charged within a very short duration of time.  The device has about 10,000 recharge cycles which is 10 times more than what is offered by most battery packs today.  The inventor claims that the device is flexible and is very small in size so it can be used in flexible displays and smaller devices.  The actual implementation for mobile devices and portable electronics is not yet been tested but inventor hopes for same in future.

Monday, May 27, 2013

50 new Earth like planets discovered

The Astronomers of Europe discovered 50 new planets.   All of them are behind the planets of our solar system.  Six of the planets resemble Earth very much.  The largest of these 50 planets is HD 85512 and it is 3 times by weight of earth.  It is 36 light years far away from Earth and is located in the Vela constellation.

Scientists believe that at  least 16 of these 50 planets have water, and assume that there is life on them.   Some of these planets have same weight as earth while some of them are 10 times heavier than our planet.