Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sings of Water found on Water by Curiosity Rover

It is now clear that there are signs of water on Mars.  Almost every rover, lander or orbiter sent to MARS in recent times give some indications of the evidence of water on the Red Planet.  This gives rise to whether there was a life on Mars in earlier times.  The Curiosity rover of NASA landed on Gale Crater which is a place which used to hold a lake of water as per the latest findings of the Scientists of NASA and announced on 11th Dec., 2013.  

For more details please read the article about Signs of water found on Mars by Curiosity Rover.

China lands Jade Rabbit Rover on Moon

China has successfully landed a craft carrying a robotic rover on Lunar surface.   This is the first soft landing in the past 37 years.

The Jade Rover was landed on the surface of Moon on 14th December, 2013.  The touchdown took place on a flat plain called Sinus Iridum.   For more details,  please read the article on China's Jade Rabbit rover lands on Moon.